About Me
Sumsun Naher never gave too much thought as to why or when she started taking photos. However, one thing is pretty sure—she loves to shoot. She feels empowered when she has a camera in her hand. It brings peace and serenity to her.
She has a special connection with nature, and believes that people are the best parts of it. She loves to take the loneliness and aloofness within the chaos in to the wild.
She appreciates the fact that different places have different cultural and ethnic characteristics, and loves documenting them accordingly. She knows, and acknowledges the harsh realities of life, which constitutes a major part of her interest, and additionally, she loves the emotional part; the wide array of connections that exist between human beings.
She has done her foundation course from “Pathshala South Asian Media institute”. Currently she is doing Documentary Photography courses under a mentorship program.
When she is not shooting photos, she is writing poetry and composing prose. In the "Ekushey Boimela" of 2019 (a book fair commemorating the martyrs from the Bangla language movement of 1952), her first solo poetry book "চাঁদফুল ও গন্ধমের গন্তব্য" was published from চৈতন্য প্রকাশনী।
Her second poetry book, "নদী বা নিঃসঙ্গতা" has been published by চৈতন্য প্রকাশনী in March, 2021, along with the English translated version "River or Solitude" under the same cover.